Thursday, December 1, 2016

Welcome to the new WINchesterINFOrmer

We're Back!

Apologize for the long absence, which was beyond our control. A lightning storm took out our main server and much information was lost and unrecoverable; although doing a search on the web for the old WinchesterInformer will bring up many of the old topics and posts.

 Google, which now owns the domain we are using was uncooperative in helping us recover the old site.. thus we have started a new one and it is a work in progress. Rather than wait until everything was in place, we decided to get back at it without further delay..   We ask you to post in a respectful manner and to please refrain from using profanity or vulgarity as your comments will be deleted. Your comments and new topics are welcome and you can reach us at the following email address with any concerns or topics you may wish to see on the blog. 


  1. Thank goodness you are back. We need all the information that we can get to continue to make informed decisions. Have a great day!

  2. Anyone know anything about the FAKE ad for a part time town clerk deputy position? Word is its already been promised and will come with fulltime benefits. Talk about underhanded BS. Don't have to wonder why no one trusts the town hall personal.

  3. No idea what's going on, but its NO surprise. If you are part of the CLICK!
