Saturday, March 25, 2017

BOS Meeting Minutes 3-15-17

If you are having trouble reading what is posted you can view on the town's website here:

 ( simply highlight the link and right click on it, then choose OPEN IN NEW TAB )


  1. Being looked into I betMarch 25, 2017 at 7:32 AM

    Looks like the nastiness of todays politics has trickled down to the local level. Past and present leaders of our town have had similar and worse problems than Mr. Pratt. I hope his legal counsel with get the info and let the public know who stooped to this new low.

  2. Hope Pratt's lawyers find out who is responsible for the defamation of character and act on it.

  3. Its the old pot calling the kettleMarch 26, 2017 at 3:43 AM

    If someone made a list of former problems, both illegal and unethical with our present and past leadership no one would even worry about Mr. Pratt trying to get current on his taxes.
