Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Who's looking out for our interests?

We elect our state representatives with the expectation that they will propose legislation that will benefit their constituents and the state of New Hampshire. We don’t expect them to write or sponsor legislation that “sounds good,” but actually harms us economically or socially. We also have an expectation that the press will closely monitor proposed legislation and investigate claims of benefits or harms. An informed electorate is the best tool in defense of democracy.
Unfortunately, neither of those expectations are being met. Please allow me to offer two recent examples of how we’re being let down, along with a request that the press and our representatives “step it up” on our behalf.
Thanks to Rep. James McConnell, R-Swanzey, many of us in the pipeline fight were alerted to Senate Bill 128. This bill is designed to change the language of the Restructuring Act to allow electric ratepayers to be charged a tariff for 20-year fracked gas pipeline contracts and contracts for power from Northern Pass.
Such tariffs were rejected by the Public Utilities Commission based on language in the Restructuring Act. SB 128 changes that language in such a way as to make “moot” the challenge Eversource has taken before the N.H. Supreme Court.
Were it not for Rep. McConnell telling us about SB 128, no one from the pipeline or Northern Pass opposition would even know that we were about to be sold out. And, honestly, when you read the text of the bill, it sounds so good! You need to be a lawyer to understand its impact on current events.
Thanks to Rep. McConnell, the organizations which raised funds to fight the pipelines and Northern Pass with our own lawyers were notified in time to help some of its sponsors to understand just how egregiously harmful this bill actually is.
The press did eventually cover this major issue, but only after nearly 100 people showed up for the Senate hearing last week. What would have happened were it not for Rep. McConnell?
There is another horrible bill that has already passed the House and is headed to the Senate Capital Budget Committee for a hearing on March 8. That bill will charge New Hampshire taxpayers nearly $25 million to convert about 30 state buildings in Concord from district steam to fracked gas. That $25 million is for all the boilers they need to purchase in order to burn natural gas.
Leadership from both parties has pressured legislators to push this through as an “emergency.” All but 15 of the smartest and most principled state representatives bowed to the pressure to fast track this bill. The House Finance Committee even waived its right to hold a hearing on the bill, in order to expedite it. So now, representing 20 percent of the state’s capital budget, House Bill 368-FN is headed to the Senate Capital Budget Committee.
I have reached out repeatedly to the press on HB 368 and have gotten virtually no response. How is this not a big story? Will no one question the “emergency” situation that the proponents for the bill claim prevent true analysis of the benefits/costs and consideration of other options?
I bet it will be a big story this summer when the state, plus 80 downtown Concord Steam customers, are all trying to contract for plumbers. I bet it will be a big story when all those customers and the state are locked into fracked gas while prices climb and shortages occur.



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